Some personal history

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The Almighty
Jun 11, 2016
Reaction score
Free America
Saw this on another forum and liked the idea.

After Vietnam, I became one of the first certified Toyota mechanics in the country. Then started installing carpet and did that for 40 years. Now, on the rare occasion that I am not sick, heart, kidney and blood problems, I hand build furniture and do wood carving, especially Santas and wizards. I have 12 grandkids and 4 great grandkids. Part of a couple for 41 years, this time. She is a real artist.
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I'm not sure yet what to write....
Just saving the space for you, since it will be about 8 pages long if you list all your accomplishments
I still haven't accomplished much in life. I can build things. Yay me.
Don't cut yourself short Chris. Your name pops up regularly when we talk of someone who will put the nose to the grindstone, and won't quit until you win the prize. I just spoke to my grandson about you last week.
Don't cut yourself short Chris. Your name pops up regularly when we talk of someone who will put the nose to the grindstone, and won't quit until you win the prize. I just spoke to my grandson about you last week.
I am the perfect example of what they teach the opposite of today. Now it's all about less work and more money.
My first job was delivering mattresses and bedroom furniture for my friend's dad, who owned a chain of stores. Since he was also our next door neighbor, I screwed up and my dad was told that same day. After graduating high school, I went to a local college studying Marine biology. While in my first semester, my 15 year old G/F became pregnant, so I quit school, got married, and was hired at a chain of auto parts stores. This shop had a basement machine shop, so we would also mill heads, resleave cylinders and build engines. Since I was good with numbers, I became the purchasing agent for them, buying years worth of spark plugs, points, and anything car/truck related. While still 18, I found a way to buy my first house. It was a repossessed VA home. This taught me at an early age how to fix house stuff, since I couldn't afford real workers. 2 years later, I was able to get a job at Vons Grocery Warehouse distribution center, making 4 times what the auto parts store paid me. I also caught my wife sleeping with my HS Principal's son, so I also got divorced and sold my house. I bought another house on a golf course, still making great money driving forklifts, but since I was the Teamster Shop Steward for 600 employees, I knew a huge strike was headed our way. At the same time, I caught 3 burglars breaking into my neighbor's house, so I was constantly going to court to testify against these shitheads. The chief of police asked me to apply for a police officer position. There were 300 applicants trying for 4 positions, and got the #3 spot. I also remarried, and had a few more kids. As a cop, I worked patrol for about 5 years, then got selected for the K-9 position, which I had for 7 years. When my dog retired, I went back to patrol for another 5 years, then accepted a traffic/motorcycle position, which I did for 7 years. I ran the traffic Bureau, handled all the fatal accidents, and got certified in advanced collision reconstruction, airplane crashes and train crashes. I blew out both of my knees, had 9 surgeries, so the last couple of years I was on light duty until I was forced to retire on the last day of 2009. 3 months later, I found out my wife was cheating on me, so I divorced her happy ass.
That is my story.
I'm sorry about you being cheated on. That really sucks. I've never cheated on anyone and I've only been cheated on by one person and it wasn't my husband. My life is sort of partitioned into two chapters... My life before my husband died and my life after he died.

I was born in Cincinnati area in 1960 and was a complete tomboy until I turned 11 or 12. I played baseball and basketball with the neighborhood boys, hunted turtles, picked blackberries, built tree houses, ran in the woods and ice skated on the creeks and lakes, rode my horse everywhere (I was horse crazy) and competed in horse 4h and rabbit 4h. i really had a great childhood. I wanted to be park ranger and went to vocational school my Jr and Sr years of high school for Park Management and Resource Conservation. When I graduated I went into the carpenters union and started apprentice school under a special program to get more women into the union. I graduated 2nd in the class and was snapped up for a big construction project. I really enjoyed it and was one of the very few women that got along with the men. After a year that job was finished and was called back by the same company to start on another job... But I found myself pregnant with my first child so turned down the job. Not married of course. But we did marry a couple years later which was a mistake. I started college and graduated with an associate degree in mechanical engineering and was hired by the local gas and electric company in their gas department as a drafting tech. I had another child and ended up divorcing their dad because he was an alcoholic. Then I met Mike and we fell madly in love and got married a couple years later. He was a carpenter and his dad built houses. We ended up buying 7 acres in the country and we built our house together. We also had a son we named Ross who ended up playing some serious baseball and was the first freshman ever at his school to have a starting position on the varsity team. Those were fun years watching him play baseball. I was promoted to Engineering Designer and was responsible for designing all the gas meter sets and gas services for our commercial and industrial customers.... Huge sets for the likes of General Electric Jet Engine division and steel mills etc. A very challenging but fun job. I also created all the gas standards and procedures for our field crews. My middle son moved to Texas to live with his dad and became addicted to drugs. He returned to live with us and I spent massive amounts of money trying to to get him clean. Methadone clinics, got him thru getting his GED and enrolled in the local community college, bought him a car and a phone, he even went to a residential rehab but nothing stuck. He moved back with his dad in Cleveland. Ross , my youngest, went off to college and we were empty nested and quite happy. Then Mike got sick and was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He lived exactly 4 months from the day he was diagnosed. It was a tough thing to help him through and it changed me in ways I'm still figuring out.

That was 13 years ago and since then I've retired and moved to Arizona.
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