New $600 tax limit

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Staff member
Jun 7, 2016
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So what's your thoughts on this new tax limit? I hear PayPal, Venmo, Facebook marketplace and the like will now be giving you a 1099 if you collect more than 600 dollars throughout the year.
We will take it like sheep, because us civilized white members of society do not go out and burn, loot or cause damage, unlike our government supplemented, welfare sucking, food stamp collecting, baby making scrotes of this country.
We will take it like sheep, because us civilized white members of society do not go out and burn, loot or cause damage, unlike our government supplemented, welfare sucking, food stamp collecting, baby making scrotes of this country.

Sadly you are probably right but if we keep bending over and taking it we are going to loose our way of life, I for sure do not wish for that to happen for my Grand kids.
Sadly you are probably right but if we keep bending over and taking it we are going to loose our way of life, I for sure do not wish for that to happen for my Grand kids.

What are you talking about?
We have already lost our way of life... you cant get on a lane like we use to do.. . TSA
We are growing more dependent on big government for nearly everything.
Liberties have been lost under the pretext of safety.
Mandates as to where you can eat, 'show your papers'.
Schools are centers for socialism indoctrination and liberal agenda.
Going to the grocery is now not a choice of what you want, but of what is there.
Wear your mask or don't enter.
Hospitals deny service if you aren't VAXed.
Kids are not receiving any education, no socialization in how to interact with others.
Fuel costs are curtailing people from trips, vacations.
Komifornia is TAXING the shit out of all the people there, so much that those that can are leaving.
In some places if you aren't black you cant receive medical treatment! they have preferences over everyone
Our tax dollars are being Given away to illegals with out the 'citizens' approval. They are even Given the "right to vote".
Buying a firearm now requires Govmnt 'approval', it didn't use to be.
The Federal Govmnt wants to now control all Elections, how do think that will turn out!
State Rights are being chipped away at constantly.

"MANDATES" for every thing !

WE have already accepted being herded in the "Name of Safety" at most every thing we do any more.
What are you talking about?
We have already lost our way of life... you cant get on a lane like we use to do.. . TSA
We are growing more dependent on big government for nearly everything.
Liberties have been lost under the pretext of safety.
Mandates as to where you can eat, 'show your papers'.
Schools are centers for socialism indoctrination and liberal agenda.
Going to the grocery is now not a choice of what you want, but of what is there.
Wear your mask or don't enter.
Hospitals deny service if you aren't VAXed.
Kids are not receiving any education, no socialization in how to interact with others.
Fuel costs are curtailing people from trips, vacations.
Komifornia is TAXING the shit out of all the people there, so much that those that can are leaving.
In some places if you aren't black you cant receive medical treatment! they have preferences over everyone
Our tax dollars are being Given away to illegals with out the 'citizens' approval. They are even Given the "right to vote".
Buying a firearm now requires Govmnt 'approval', it didn't use to be.
The Federal Govmnt wants to now control all Elections, how do think that will turn out!
State Rights are being chipped away at constantly.

"MANDATES" for every thing !

WE have already accepted being herded in the "Name of Safety" at most every thing we do any more.

I hear you Ken, I'm just trying to remain optimistic that with the upcoming elections we can turn this dumpster fire of a government around.
I guess it's harder for me to see some of that stuff because in my state it's business as usual except everything is way more expensive. We don't have the food shortage in our stores, no mask mandates and kids go to school like normal.
business is as usual here also, but I have traveled... other states suck
New Mexico, Colorado, Oklahoma, even some places in Missouri !

We don't have 'food shortages' we just may not have choices on some brands.
No mask mandates, but most restaurant employees hide behind masks... I typically tell them I cant understand you and they drop their mask.
Us 4 friends purposefully walked into city hall council chambers Monday night without a mask, greeted by the city manager (former police Captain) our Chief of Police, our current captain of the PD, and three council thanking us for not being a sheeple. THEN, the only libtard councilwoman saw us and said she would walk off the stage and never return unless we masked up. The city manager was ordered to provide us a mask, which we wore only on our upper lip, below our noses, and above our mouths, which remained until the end of the meeting. The libtard was told this was not a police issue, so we could not be kicked out of the meeting. Keeping in mind that I am the president and the other person there is my secretary of the anti Amazon lawsuit, which stopped $17M from coming into our city, they really don't want to piss us off too much.
When you can convince me that catching a ping pong ball with a basketball net is effective at stopping the wuhan, then I'll gladly wear a face doily. FJB and Fraudci.

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