Model 65 3" round butt

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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2016
Reaction score
Reno, NV
Found a bucket list gun. Traded away my stupid glock (un-fired in over a year) and a bunch of 9mm ammo. The trade didn't come cheaply, but it was a fair deal. Traded a highly replaceable gun for a pretty rare one.

These model 65 3" round butts are pretty tough to find and command a high price. I found one that was supposedly new in box. Originally purchased in 1986 at "Deluxe Liquor and Sporting Goods (I wholeheartedly believe one problem with our country today is a lack of combination liquor/gun stores).

Anyway, has box, paperwork, tools, etc. The most recent one I can find selling with box on gun broker went for $1000, in which case I would be way ahead :)

Pretty much the ideal configuration for a carry and "fighting" revolver. short heavy barrel, but not too short, curved round butt grips, 6 shot k frame, fixed sights, smooth faced trigger.

Tossed some VZ grips on it because i intend to carry and shoot this one quite a bit. will get a kydex holster made here in the near future.

matches my model 66
Only person that will say that is not a good trade is Havasu the Glock lover.
Even strong believers of the dark side should be able to see the value in trading something common and replaceable for something rare.

Unfortunately my trade value was pretty much dead on for the appropriate market value of the 65, so I didn't make some crazy amount of money but that wasn't the intent here. I could easily get more out of it than I have in it but it's a keeper
It's not always about making a profit, I have a few guns that I have paid more than value for because I wanted them.
Did you have a neon sign on your back when you traded that wheel gun for the best gun in the world? Did I mention that FBI just signed up with Glock? They sure as hell wouldn't resort to a round butt wheel gun! I hoped you picked up some speed loaders while you were at it!

:Pizzing:wheel guns!

:poke stick:
Did you have a neon sign on your back when you traded that wheel gun for the best gun in the world? Did I mention that FBI just signed up with Glock? They sure as hell wouldn't resort to a round butt wheel gun! I hoped you picked up some speed loaders while you were at it!

:Pizzing:wheel guns!

:poke stick:

Ha!!!!! Because the 17M is working out so well thus far.

BTW, just messing with you. I have 5-6 assorted S&W wheelguns. I like them but would have traded one of my Model 66, 4" for that Glock.

Well I wouldn't have traded my glock for a 66 4" because it is nowhere near the fantastical combat six shooter as a 3" 65 round butt.

I have a P&R 66 4" and while its a great gun it's only worth equal to slightly more than a glock. And while its rarer than a glock 19 it's by no means a rare or hard to find revolver.

Ps. Guess what was the main FBI issue gun before the Miami shootout and resulting adoption of the 10mm and subsequently the .40? Yeah. 3" k frame round butt with fixed sights, model 13 or model 65.
A slingshot would have been more accurate. My department use to have the Model 19 before advancing to the Model 66. Back in 1988, they released to allow us to carry semi autos. My first was the Sig Sauer P-220, .45 auto. I loved that gun. We then were forced to move to the Glock 22, .40 cal. It was partially due to the FBI shooting and all the various ammunition needed.
I've only read a bit on the 17M. It looks uglier than hell but would love to hear comments on how it shoots.

Well no **** it's uglier than hell. Its a glock.

what i'm referring to is the fact that glock released their new wonder pistol to the world of law enforcement and then was all "uh....we're gonna need those back"

LOL. The slides fall off.
Hate when that happens!

Its teh worstz!

What a ******* disappointment,I thought you were posting about ass!!
My wife is a 65 model with a sweet round ass.
What a ******* disappointment,I thought you were posting about ass!!
My wife is a 65 model with a sweet round ass.

Perpetual didsapointment....a key feature of any jeep themed forum I guess

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