Flooring forum

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Staff member
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
N. Alabama
Rusty and Mark
It is changed to a new server. It’s on version XF 2.0.

You can flush the DNS cache on your computer to make V2 show now, or wait just a little bit and refresh screen often for it to show. The new version is a bit different from old, so you’ll know when you are on v. 2.

I’ll be watching that forum to answer questions as people get to it.
It’s up, but your computer/Internet provider has to populate the new IP for the new server.
I figured if I posted here, you and Rusty would see it and know it’s now just a matter of the member’s providers recognizing the new address.
Clear your saved link and history for the forum. Then type in the forum address. It will show that way sooner.
Google can't even find it. No way I am dumping cookies. I would have to resign into 50 different sites. Not worth it.
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I logged off, shut off phone, clearing cookies, still sent me to old forum saying site was down?
I logged off, shut off phone, clearing cookies, still sent me to old forum saying site was down?
I have tried numerous times. Get the same thing, site is down. Google could not find the site any more. IE takes me into the closed one.
Seriously thinking about quitting the flooringforum. I have been an admin there since Keith bought it, I think 2011. I am too old for all this crap.

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