the vaccine

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The Almighty
Jun 11, 2016
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Free America
Several people have ended up in the ICU after the shot. Besides, the FDA has a spotty record when it comes to approvals. Too many like thalidomide, vioxx and zantac that seemed to be safe short term, but were deadly after use.
I am not an anti-vaxxer. I get a flu shot yearly although they are only somewhat successful and I have had a pneumonia shot. But I won't take the covid vaccine without long term tests.
Yep, only way I'm getting the vacine is if I'm out of ammo. With a 99% survival rate, I'll take my chances, thanks, but no thanks. It's not about a virus, it's about control and fear. I fully understand, it's a bad virus, but, it's mostly treatable if you don't have preexisting co-morbilities.
Not getting it here. Ill take my chances with round two of covid
Studies have shown that the antibodies after COVID-19 vaccination will last for three months, but the upper limit is not yet known because these vaccines have only been administered for a few months.Dec 16, 2020
Some say that a year is probably the maximum.
They say my antibodies from having it suck and I need the ones from the vaccine
OK.... the flu shot you get is only good for the STRAIN that was last year because it mutates.

That is a CDC fact.
That said, The china flu vaccine that you get today is not going to help you at all with the new strain reported in the UK.
Which we will be seeing here shortly with the open borders and ZERO medical vetting of any type.
I am nt going to get any shot, I do not believe that 9 months is long enough to vet a vaccine for possible side effects. I am crazy as hell already and damn sure do not need some more weirdness added to my already weird acting ass
OK.... the flu shot you get is only good for the STRAIN that was last year because it mutates.

That is a CDC fact.
That said, The china flu vaccine that you get today is not going to help you at all with the new strain reported in the UK.
Which we will be seeing here shortly with the open borders and ZERO medical vetting of any type.
I am nt going to get any shot, I do not believe that 9 months is long enough to vet a vaccine for possible side effects. I am crazy as hell already and damn sure do not need some more weirdness added to my already weird acting ass
You still sniffen chicken asses?
Only the brown chickens, I gave up on them white feathers

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