Today at the range

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Staff member
Jun 6, 2016
Reaction score
Somewhere between Heaven and Hell
Went with my son, a friend, and my two grandkids to the range today. We had a blast and went through 1000 rounds of 9mm ammo. Son shot his competition Beretta, friend shot his S&W M&P, grandson shot his S&W M&P, granddaughter shot her S&W Shield, and I shot my Glock 19. We also had a 30-30 lever action for the big booms.
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Here's a picture I think you will like.View attachment 650

Hahahaha I read that article.. Seams like typical Media twisting to achieve agenda..

He states his shoulder was bruised. With the design of a 223/5.56 AR15 that's just physically not possible.. I mean, they make bump stocks that don't bruise ones shoulder, it's not like a standard riffle that if your inexperienced and don't hold it tight to you shoulder it will slam into you bruising you..


He commented on the "Brass flying in front of his face".. Umm unless he's left handed firing a Right handed AR (or vice versa) like an idiot that's also not possible... They eject opposite side of your face..

He mentioned the "Power" of the gun.. Anyone that shoots an AR who is familiar with rifles will tell you that shooting an AR feels like shooting a Toy. At least everyone I know who has one or shot mind has said so...

He whined about the loudness "Even with hearing protection".. I don't think it's loud for a 16" riffle barrel but I'm used to shooting so I'll give him that one..

I love how he says he had PTSD for an hour or so after and was irritable after his experience shooting it. My bet, he loved it, but was told he had to hate it and write this article so he was just pissed he couldn't buy one.. Lol..
Once when I was demonstrating the recoil of an AR TYPE RIFLE, well with my SCAR, I held the butt plate against my forehead and pulled the trigger.

No bruise, no broken skull, no soreness no pain.
Once when I was demonstrating the recoil of an AR TYPE RIFLE, well with my SCAR, I held the butt plate against my forehead and pulled the trigger.

No bruise, no broken skull, no soreness no pain.

Silly isn't it.. I mean, they make AR Pistols even, which have less recoil than my 357....
Shot 100 rds. out of my S&W M&P this morning and didn't get PTSD. Is there something wrong with me?
I posted on FB that the fellow was a sissy britches. Being shown up by a 7 year old girl.

Looks like a great day shooting. I've only been shooting like that twice. Once with an ex-army ranger that helped me with my first handling of any gun, and once at a firearms forum get together. North Georgia. And it was considered working at that time. Loved it. Great people.
I have found that most gun toting people are great people.

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