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The Almighty
Jun 11, 2016
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Free America
Democrats demands to be added to the Coronavirus Relief Package.....

1. Post office bailouts on current debit
2. New emission mandates for airlines
3. Require greenhouse gas stats for individual fights
4. Student loan forgiveness
5. Report corporate pay stats by race
6. New corporate board diversity rules
7. Early voting requirements in all states
8. Same-day voter registration
9. New subsidies for retirement plans for community newspaper workers
10. Major expansion of collective bargaining rights for federal workers
11. “Risk-limiting audits” of election results
12. Expansion of minority banks and minority credit unions
13. 2020 Census reforms relating to citizenship status of students
14. Requiring availability of internet for voter registration
15. Expansion of wind and solar credits
16. Full offset of airline emissions by 2025
17. Federal $15 minimum wage
18. Permanent paid leave
19. Study on climate mitigation efforts

But aren’t gonna miss out on the opportunity a tragedy creates to throw in some pork!
From Trey Gowdy:
"I'm not saying Covid-19 isn't real... But Pay attention folks, there's much more going on here than what meets the eye.
Is it a coincidence that just when the economy is booming, the stock market is setting record highs, we are winning the trade wars, school shootings have stopped, our nation is at peace, the Democratic party is a disaster and so is their likely nominee? (Biden). He hasn't a chance in hell & they're not about to let an outsider(Bernie) destroy their scheme.
It looks like Trump is a sure bet for reelection after fending off 3 years of investigations and impeachment, then all of a sudden world crisis pandemic. Stock market tumbles, companies are laying off employees, everything is closed and canceled, CEO's of giant companies are resigning and indictments are coming.
Now they say there are a couple ways a President doesn't win reelection. Those are an unpopular war or a poor economy.
But there is something larger going on here driving this sudden outbreak right after Trump beats an impeachment. Especially the fact that it (Corona Virus) originated in China who we are in a global trade war with; brought on by Trump. Let's not forget Biden's back door deals with CHINA as well.
China doesn't want 4 more years of Trump either. It all seems rather convenient for the nations and opponents of our current President and economy 5 months before an election. Couldn't have hit at a more perfect time.
With the Democrats running out of campaign talking points, in light of no school shootings, no migrant caravans at the southern border, fighting in Syria winding down, North Korea not firing missiles and Trump beating a sham impeachment. The Corona Virus gave them one last hail Mary to try and point fingers at Trump with the clock winding down in 2020.
This is almost the perfect fascist playbook. Control the population with fear-mongering and panic, control the media, spread propaganda and the fan-favorite disarm the population. Oh, and did anyone notice that while they are mad as hell at Trump for not sending aid to Ukraine, they THEMSELVES voted AGAINST giving ANY emergency aid to all Americans ?
Sorry but I don't think we are all going to die. Remember when Ebola was what was going to kill us all, and the media kept showing the piles of body bags that were prepared for the fallout. Then a month later it was totally forgotten.
The common flu has killed more people this year already and the media is SILENT!
A handful of deaths out of 320 million Americans and we are in panic tearing down our society and costing our economy billions in the wake. It all just seems fishy, a little too well-timed if you ask me."
Trey Gowdy
WELL, WELL, WELL!! Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19....and here’s where it gets interesting. China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID....none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it! Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Oh, silly me I forgot one more coincidence....Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses......I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences! Nothing to see here just keep moving along....

The Best Coincidences are always found when you follow the money..
WELL, WELL, WELL!! Isn’t it just an interesting coincidence that Remdesivir is made by Gilead and is the “CURE” for COVID-19....and here’s where it gets interesting. China holds the patent on the drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing subsidiary branch called UNITAID, who has an office near Wuhan and you’ll never guess who are the main financial investors in UNITAID....none other than George Soros, Bill & Melinda Gates, and WHO. I know what your thinking! It’s just all a coincidence isn’t it! Oh, don’t let me forget the other coincidence that Gilead and UNITAID were financial supporters of Hillary Clinton. Oh, silly me I forgot one more coincidence....Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the “study” of Coronaviruses......I sure am thankful it’s all just coincidences! Nothing to see here just keep moving along....

The Best Coincidences are always found when you follow the money..

My my, this is interesting.
319 Square Miles

The people that put our republic together and wrote The Constitution knew how to fix things before they happened. Consider what this short article is telling us. There are "give me free stuff types everywhere”, but 319 sq. miles controls the entire country??? The USA will be another Venezuela.

319 Square Miles

It will take you approximately 39 seconds to read this email. Please read and pass it on. Last month the newly convened, Democratic-controlled House of Representatives introduced a bill to eliminate the electoral college. It seems that, since they couldn't win the last presidential election under the rules that have existed for almost 250 years, they want to change the rules. Below is an excellent explanation of why this is a very bad idea

In their infinite wisdom, the United States ' Founders created the Electoral College to ensure the States were fairly represented. Why should one or two densely populated areas speak for the whole of the nation?

The following list of statistics has been making the rounds on the Internet It should finally put an end to the argument as to why the Electoral College makes sense. Do share this. It needs to be widely known and understood.

There are 3,141 counties in the United States .

- Trump won 3,084 of them.

- Clinton won 57.

There are 62 counties in New York State

- Trump won 46 of them.

- Clinton won 16

Clinton won the popular vote by approximately 1.5 million votes.

- In the 5 counties that encompass NYC, (Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan , Richmond & Queens) Clinton received well over 2 million more votes than Trump ( Clinton only won 4 of these counties; Trump won Richmond )

- Therefore these 5 counties alone, more than accounted for Clinton winning the popular vote of the entire country.

These 5 counties comprise 319 square miles.

The United States is comprised of 3,797,000 square miles.

When you have a country that encompasses almost 4 million square miles of territory, it would be ludicrous to even suggest that the vote of those who inhabit a mere 319 square miles should dictate the outcome of a national election.

Large, densely populated Democrat cities (NYC, Chicago , LA , etc.) DO NOT and SHOULD NOT speak for the rest of our country!

And It's been verified and documented that those 319 square miles are where the majority of our nation's problems foment.

Well worth the 39 seconds to read? Now please pass it on please.


A newly released court order(happened May 2017) from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) found that the National Security Agency, under former President Obama, routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall. In describing the violations, the FISA court said the illegal searches conducted by the NSA under Obama were "widespread" and created a "very serious Fourth Amendment issue."
These new discoveries come from a recently unsealed FISA court document dated April 26, 2017 and center around a hearing dated October 26, 2017, just days before the 2016 election, in which the FISA court apparently learned for the first time of "widespread" and illegal spying on American citizens by the NSA under the Obama administration.
A behemoth 1,800-page, $3 trillion coronavirus relief package unveiled by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and doomed to go up in smoke in the Senate includes more than 68 references to the word “cannabis.”

The phrase “jobs” appears 52 times and the word “hire” just 17 times as the economy craters and a record 36 million Americans file for unemployment.

Republicans questioned the outsize focus on cannabis in the sprawling coronavirus bailout bill up for a House vote Friday.

The package also includes a second wave of $1,200 stimulus checks, $175 billion for housing assistance and a trillion dollars for state and local governments to pay for vital workers including police and nurses.

But the Democrat grab bag was met with a chorus of criticism from Republicans when it removed a working requirement for food stamps, omitted language restricting abortion funding, and added protections against deportation of illegal immigrants.

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